Health and Social Care

This research focus concentrates on the first level of social and medical support: primary care. Its goal is to provide recipients with assistance in maintaining or bringing about personal physical, social and mental well-being. To this end, researchers from this focus area look at tools designed to empower local or social communities to build up and make use of their own resources.

FH-Prof. DSA Mag. (FH) Dr.PhDr. Christoph Redelsteiner MSc

Key Focus Coordinator


Working together with emergency control centres, social workers can support patients who are in need of primary psychosocial care. Social workers at primary care centres are involved in planning bio-psychosocial assistance, in close consultation with doctors.

Key Focus Coordinator

  • Academic Director Social Work (MA)
  • Course Leader Addiction Counselling and Prevention (acad.)
  • Course Leader Addiction Counselling and Prevention (certif.)
  • Course Leader Addiction Counselling and Prevention (MA)
  • Department of Social Sciences
P: +43/676/847 228 556


  • Lecturer
  • Department of Social Sciences
P: +43/676/847 228 527
  • Researcher Ilse Arlt Institute for Social Inclusion Research
  • Department of Social Sciences
P: +43/2742/313 228 524
  • Head of Research Institute
    Ilse Arlt Institute for Social Inclusion Research
  • Deputy Academic Director Social Work (MA)
  • Lecturer
  • Deputy Head of Department
  • Department of Social Sciences
P: +43/676/847 228 555
  • Deputy Academic Director Social Work (BA)
  • Lecturer
  • Course Leader Short courses for social work practitioners
  • Department of Social Sciences
P: +43/676/847 228 520
  • Lecturer
  • Member of the UAS Board from 2023 to 2026
  • Department of Social Sciences
P: +43/676/847 228 514
  • Academic Director Social Pedagogy (BA)
  • Course Leader Social Pedagogy (acad.)
  • Course Leader Social Pedagogy (Focus on Social Work) (BA (CE))
  • Course Leader Social Pedagogy (MA)
  • Department of Social Sciences
P: +43/676/847 228 526
