
Key focuses

Inclusive housing project Diakonie

Inclusive housing projects are the future. But what does it take for such concepts to work and deliver what they promise?

Inclusion of refugees in companies

Facilitating the challenge of labour market inclusion of refugees for both companies and workers

Expectations from apprenticeships

What do young people expect when they start an apprenticeship? Training companies such as STRABAG AG engage with this question.

Industry Hub Tulln

Due to tensions between environmental protection, quality of life and competitiveness, the concept "city" faces major challenges. Are "Smart Cities" the answer to questions about the city as a living ...

Bridging gaps

The project „bridging gaps“ involves (pre)school children in the analysis of bridge lifecycle, cost, planning, periodical inspection and maintenance by taking the age and education level into acco...

Intergenerational assisted living

Examining the need for support services for an intergenerational housing project.

Diagnostics Guide for Relatives

Developing a prototype concept for a standardized counselling interview for relatives of persons with dementia.

Fittest City St. Pölten

Identifying needs and wants of older citizens with regard to the St. Pöltner “Smart City and AAL” concept.

EU Reference Budgets for Social Inclusion

Developing a common methodology for establishing reference budgets and exploring possibilities for creating comparable reference budgets in all EU Member States


How can public spaces be designed to promote health for young people and adults?