Institute Projects
Understanding the organization of penal execution.
A Toolkit for Virtual Education Spaces
JMF – Young Refugees
Threat and Self-Assertion: Adolescents with Refugee Experience in the Nazi Era and Today.
E³UDRES² 2.0
Promoting Smart and Sustainable Regions as an Engaged and Entrepreneurial European University.
An Extended Reality training program to improve the resilience of health care workers.
Study on the Social Organization of the "Maßnahmenvollzug".
Socio-technical solution for a healthy and climate-competent life of nursing relatives in caring communities.
Socio-sPatial framework conditions for inclusive housing for persons with complex mental health needs in rURal and small-town areas
GEMLEHÖF - Living well together in Schneebergland
Inclusive living, wide-ranging participation and a good life together in the Schneebergland region.
CLEA – Check and Leave for Environmental Action
Young people do research in the field of sustainable mobility.
GedMig- Multilingual Memory of Migration. Pupils interview Grandparents.
Citizen Science project to give more attention to (post)migrant groups and draw a more realistic picture of diversity in society.
The perspective of users on offers of Lower Austrian youth vocational assis-tance in the tensionfield between activation policy and socio-pedagogical support.