Institute Projects
Fittest City St. Pölten
Identifying needs and wants of older citizens with regard to the St. Pöltner “Smart City and AAL” concept.
EU Reference Budgets for Social Inclusion
Developing a common methodology for establishing reference budgets and exploring possibilities for creating comparable reference budgets in all EU Member States
How can public spaces be designed to promote health for young people and adults?
The project BRELOMATE aims at providing socially isolated senior citizens with all the possibilities offered by existing information services and social networks on the Internet.
Living City
We develop an innovative concept linking living and health care, and participative architecture, (partial) city planning, primary healthcare, housing development and community work.
Expectations of primary physician care
Qualitative survey of patients' expectations of "good" primary medical care.
The goal is the development of an electronic food shopping counselor for senior citizens with type 2 diabetes mellitus, focusing on alternative products, usability for senior citizens and flexibility.
Reference budgets for social inclusion
Reference budgets are exemplary household budgets that define the structure of the outgoings of people with low incomes, taking into account the goal of social inclusion.
WAVE: Working with adults who are vulnerable – a comparison of curricula, policies and constructions
The project will examine curriculum documents detailing educational activities that deal with responses to vulnerability and adults. There will be an attendant consideration of social policy, legislat...